Friday, May 13, 2011

Rio (2011)

OK, can someone call Pixar, and tell them to buy all the other kid's movie houses? Seriously...

OK, OK, I know that won't happen. So listen up: parents (you know, they're like kids, only bigger) take kids to movies or show kids movies. If the parent is not entertained, chances are you won't get their kids to your movie next time! Pixar seems to have this awesome balance of kid-friendly excitement and fun along with adult-oriented humour. Other movies too do this, like Bolt which used generic terms like 'Cat' and 'Dog' in reference to various characters "Hey, listen Cat..." which I thought was great with the interplay of those terms in modern slang (think Randy off American Idol: "Yo! What's up dog?!").

Anyway... see my previous review for meatballs... some of these are just garbage.

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